
Welcome to my Blog

 Happy midnight, daydreamers!  Long time no see on this thing.

It's been many years since I've ran a blog.  I'm a bit nervous because I've forgotten a lot of how this works, but I figure it will come back to me, and...I really enjoy rambling nonsensical on a blog.  Oh, yeah, baby! I'm that blogger!  The one that you don't know what you're going to read when you open up my page.  That's only gotten more likely to happen in these years I've been away.

I see a blog as a free space to just let my muse get her hands on a keyboard and spout out whatever she wants.  Whether it's grumbling about having too many r's in a poem or confessing to having done something really stupid in the studio, this is where you'll read about that.  In fact, I'm not representing anyone but little ol' me right now, so that gives me a lot of free reign to just run this how I want to.  That's both exciting and a little scary.

"What will you be posting, Angelique?" you  might be wondering.  A little bit of everything most likely.  If I post a poem on Instagram, I might come on here and talk about the inspiration.  If I'm feeling like typing out part of a short story, I'll probably do that.  I'll probably share behind the scene photos of whatever I'm working on in my studio.  I may even get back into doing tutorials.  There's so many possibilities.  Commentary on various things I see?  Absolutely!  Might I go gaga over another creative and direct you to go check them out?  It could certainly happen.  I don't want this to be planned.  I want it to be very spontaneous and real to how my mind goes off on its own pathways and tangents. 

With all of that in mind, I have deleted or archived anything I had posted prior.  While I'm still the same person I was before, I'm also a different person.  Just like how I've started over in my life, I like the idea of my blog starting over, too.  Anyone that comes around who knew me back when knows I was always in my studio with my hands messy.  I haven't been in my studio for more than a brief moment here and there in over five years.  I would have never have believed that possible to occur, and yet it did.  I'm now at a place where I'm really wanting to get back into that hands on creative groove.  I haven't kept up with the industry or how things are "done" now like I used to.  I am essentially coming into this blind as a bat.  Scary, but also quite freeing.  That means I can just be me with no expectations of how things are done now.  Oh, I'm sure I will eventually start following others again, but for now, I kind of want to keep myself in the dark.  This way, I can find my current voice and settle into how being creative feels to me at this moment.

 I expect this will be an emotional journey in the beginning.  I have really allowed myself to disassociate from this side of me quite a lot in order to just navigate my life.  That's ok.  It happens.  I'm excited to feel that fire rekindling and share with you that giddiness that can only come from creating something with your own hands.  I don't have the latest anything product wise, so this is definitely not going to be a product push page.  I will surely be making a lot of mistakes, but mistakes are part of the process and I've always believed in sharing them.  I am "perfectly imperfect" as it's become popular to say now, and you're going to get to see that if you hang around.

Thank you for joining me.  Don't be shy about popping into the comments if you want to.  I hope you enjoy what you read, but mostly... mostly... I hope your muse shines so brightly that you blind everyone you come in contact with for at least 2.94 seconds.